Saturday, May 16, 2009

Montana Is So Awesome. I Will Return Home Someday

I could list all of the reasons why Montana is extremely awesome- but that would take too long and no one would get it except for my dear Montanan friends. So, instead, I will leave you with one completely awesome statement.

Scott and I were watching this Glenn Beck civil discussion about the Montana-Made Gun Bill. Basically the bill aims to exempt firearms, weapons, components and ammunition made in Montana and kept in Montana from federal gun laws. They were also discussing that Montanans would not require a background check when purchasing a firearm. Glenn Beck seemed a bit baffeled by this and stated that maybe a background check would be a good idea. Then he goes off on this story about how he was at some gun shop on the east coast and when a lady was asked which gun she would like, she stated, "I don't know. Is there a pink one?" Glenn laughed and stated that people like her shouldn't be able to have a gun and wanted to know what the Montana representatives thought about that.

To that statement, the representatives said, "We don't have people like that in Montana."

And I laughed because it is true.

God bless you, fellow Montanans.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Pointless Blog Entry

This is one of those pointless blog entries. I really have nothing to state. This is just a blog to talk about whatever.

I'm taking a break from work right now (yes- believe me, I know today is Saturday). Baby and I are listening to my iPod. Ya know, God bless the man who created this inventive musical tool for baby and I to enjoy together. How awesome. I mean, seriously, doesn't it just blow your mind to know you can have music follow you....where ever you go?! Insanity, I say!

You know what else is incredible?! Blackberry phones! I mean, honestly, I have the internet at my fingers at all times! Amazing! I have a portable handheld computer that follows me around whenever I feel like it. Wow. If you tried telling people this in the '80s, they would probably laugh at you and spray paint your house.

However, I do realize these massively cool technological "toys" have double-edged swords. Doesn't all of this technology cut us off from the rest of humanity? Wouldn't it be better to just call someone instead of text? Wouldn't it be even better still to not become addicted to this technology and text during family time or meals? Isn't quality time with your loved one(s) better than all of this? Personally, I think so. One of the things I enjoy most about camping technology! Freedom, sweet freedom!

Okay, that topic's done and I still have awhile to stay at work.

Gah, it's so hard to work on the weekend when you know you have 50 other billion pressing things that need to be completed. I'm in the process of cleaning out files and working on cancellations. Stuff that needs to be done, but not as badly as nursery shopping, painting, dishes, washing floors, investigating which new carpet to purchase, grocery shopping, more painting, reading about baby so I know what the heck I'm doing now and in the future (I honestly don't know much about babies), and so on.

We leave for Mexico soon. Ah, I can't wait to just relax. I heard this nasty rumour about people evacuating Mexico due to a nasty flu pandemic and war (apparently, Canada won't let any flights go to Mexico). Whatever, if I don't go to Mexico, I don't go to Mexico...just get me away from work, home, and responsibilities for awhile. I've had enough and my patience with day-to-day activity is running very thin. And, please God, no major illness! That's one less thing I need to worry about.

Does anyone know what a serving of almonds is? How many is a serving?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cake or Death

Cake or death...?

What was once a comedic skit by the interesting yet hysterical Eddie Izzard has now become my mantra. Well, it doesn't even need to be cake. It can be pie, brownies, salad, fruit, ritz crackers, cheese, vanilla malt mix, and so on. Whatever I'm craving at that specific moment.

This is insane. I can't stop eating. Am I addicted to food? Nope- just pregnant. And baby doesn't feel that cereal and fruit is enough in the mornings so we are on a rampage.

I had an eating out-of-body experience today. You see, an interesting coworker of mine decided to tell me how incredible vanilla malt mix tastes on ice cream. (Eh...ew- was my first thought and then I quickly dismissed the conversation from my mind). I came into work to find a little clear baggy full of yellow-ish powder folded on my desk. It worried me at first. I've seen movies like this and it looked like discoloured cocaine (like I just stated, I've seen movies). So, I wasn't quite sure what to do about it. My first thought was to throw it away, but I decided to conspicuously hide it under my arms until I found the druggie culprit behind this (no one would expect the pregnant lady, right???). Finally, this interesting coworker of mine comes up to me and the lightbulb comes on (only he would put something like this on my desk). And sure enough, he did. Only, it wasn't drugs, it was vanilla malt mix (my, aren't I the extremist?). After explaining to me his story again, he stated that he just bought some and thought he would bring some to work for me to try. I thought that was pretty thoughtful, but was still weary of the contents. So, the hours come and go. I work and work until lunch and then scarf down a big plate of food (ugh). Then, it's walk time and then back to work. Well, wouldn't ya know. That big plate of food couldn't keep the hunger beast away and I started getting hungry again (boy, aren't I sick of eating!). This is when I have my eating out-of-body experience. One minute I'm typing up a contract, the next, I'm ripping open that bag of vanilla malt mix, licking my finger, and stuffing it in the bag. I do this several times and cannot stop. center.....of......a......malt ball....

Seriously?! Seriously?!

Hey! Don't judge me unless you've been there! ;-)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Baby Rejoices!!!

Sooo...ever since I first found out I was pregnant, my main prayer was that baby would have a heart after God's own heart. (This is most important after all). Well, I've started noticing that when baby hears certain Christian music he jumps for joy! During Easter service (and all day Sunday for that matter) baby jumped for joy! It was miraculous! I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that baby rejoices. :) He knows who is heavenly Father is and that is so important to me. God has been so good to us. I don't deserve His love and mercy.